Time to change the battery.

Could not find a replacement battery so for now just removing this fire hazard from inside will have to do.

Okay great so this (MacBook Pro Early 2015) scores a 1/10 for reparability on iFixit. I wonder why.


I need what? ACETONE? Never thought this is where this repair would lead me.


Okay so that glue dissolving part was harder than it had any right to be.

The inside does look pretty for what it's worth...


The aluminium foil is to stop the "acetone" from seeping in through the trackpad and damaging the screen.


Did you dip this in tar, Apple?

Anyway, put the speakers back, connect the cables back...


Done? I might have to open this again someday to install the new battery. Till then I'm done. Whew.

12th January, 2023.